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byAlma Abell
Many of us ride everything from hydraulic elevators to Traction Elevators in Washington DC every day with no concern for their safety. They rely on the complicated mechanisms and safety features in all modern day elevators to get quickly and safely from one floor to the other.
Although, elevators plummeting to the floor of the buildings they service very rarely occur, you can be sure that when it does the events are catastrophic to say the least. If you are ever in any plummeting Traction Elevators in Washington DC, there are a few tips that you can follow to increase your chances of survival. Read on for a few of those tips below.
Remain Calm
You need to know that you have more of a chance of surviving an elevator falling, if you remain calm and try to reason out the problem. The elaborate safety features built into modern elevators are there to help you along the way. With the strong cables attached to elevators today, they very rarely ever fall all the way to the bottom floor. So, you have more of a chance of getting hurt than you do of dying in an elevator accident.
Lie Flat
The first thing you will want to do is lie flat on the floor, in the middle of the elevator or as close to it as possible. Put your hands over your head to protect it and your face from any falling debris.
Never Remain Standing
You never want to remain standing and jump as the elevator hits the bottom to save yourself. This is going to do you no good, because gravity won’t let it. The safest place to be is in the middle of the elevator laying on the floor. You want to ignore everything that you see in the movies, because it is just the movies of course.
These are just a few tips that you should follow to avoid being hurt in an elevator accident. You can visit the website today for more information on elevators and what you can do to save yourself in a fall. You should remain calm and lie flat if you want to survive.