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By Brian Garvin And Jeff West
In order to build a successful networking business is being able to recruit and keep network marketing prospects, those people whose sales will eventually help the business grow and give the marketer substantial profits. This is the hardest part of building a network based business. A successful marketer needs to learn how to properly communicate with the people they want to work for them.
Network marketing prospects have to be taken in by the marketers presentation. It doesnt matter if the presentation blows the socks of a one person, it has to have the same effect on all the prospects a marketer wants to bring in.
Most people have never been taught how to set up a recruiting appointment. Taking the first step requires talking to the prospect and using the right words to reel them in. Most people will attend a business meeting, participate in a conference call, or be willing to meet with the marketer in person.
Start out by inviting them to one of these meetings. If they are not interested, ask them if they can refer someone who is, thank them for their time, and move in. Keeping the original prospect in a maybe file is a good idea because people tend to change their minds.
When approaching a network marketing prospect, it is best for the marketer to be casual and relaxed. Start the conversation by introducing yourself and then mention the even youd like to invite them too. Let them know there is a reason why they stuck in the marketers head.
For instance, if the prospect has been looking for information on finding a lucrative business venture, the marketer should mention that point and then ask them if theyd be interested in joining them at a seminar that discusses the opportunity and how it works. Marketers will be successful if they keep the prospects attention and shows them that they are a priority and important to the business if they decide to join the marketers network.
If a network marketing prospect agrees to the marketers invite, then half the battle is done. The marketer has gained their interest and peaked their curiosity. If the venture is right for them, the prospect will join the company and become part of the marketers downline.
It then becomes the marketers responsibility to teach the new recruit the technique they used to attract them so they can go out and recruit their own prospects. A marketer can have the worst presentation on the face of the earth, but if their communication skills are good and they can get network marketing prospects interested, their business will begin to boom.
If a marketer cannot get a network marketing prospect to review the materials they have passed out or listen to the compact disk pitching the company they have made, the quality of the product, the compensation plan, and additional benefits wont matter one bit. The key to getting prospects to become recruits is communication. Unless a marketer is successful at communicating, their network marketing prospects could be swooped up by the competition.
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