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By Jason Kay
Possibly inspired by family demand or circumstances, you have at last made the decision to renovate your bathroom. This could potentially be an expensive decision to make, as renovating a bathroom can be one of the costliest operations within the home, and if you do not plan your renovation carefully, you could be embarking on a difficult and frustrating project.
A primary thought before starting your renovations will be regarding any change in the size of your bathroom. Make the decision to resize only if it is an absolute necessity, as this is an aspect of your renovation which can be the most expensive. If the bathroom needs to be extended and the load bearing walls must be moved or removed; then review any possibility of an expansion via other walls that are not bearing weight. It is not usual that a drywall will require to be replaced during your renovation which is generally due to high moisture content, but it may be worth confirming with a contractor whether or not a full replacement is necessary.
For some homeowners, the renovation of their bathroom can be a pleasurable experience where they can flex their creative juices. For others, it can be extremely stressful and frustrating as they face a long period of renovation and a great deal of cost. Often, the individuals who fall into this category will be those who have discovered their bathroom is home to a multitude of problems, such as mold. Scientifically, mold is described as being a microscopic fungus, which not only has an unattractive appearance, but may be very dangerous. While certain types are harmless, others are considered as being toxic. It is an unfortunate fact that due to the moisture content, black, toxic mold is present in many bathrooms within the United States. In certain instances, you may feel it beneficial to obtain the opinion of a professional mold removal specialist or an air quality control specialist, regarding removal and prevention. It is always advisable in any event to have a fan installed in your bathroom as it is recognized that the circulation of air can help to eliminate moisture in the room, and therefore mold.
An added benefit you may wish to consider is the installation of a grey-water system. This aids in the collection of water from the sink and shower, for transference into your toilet and garden. The recycling of grey-water from showers and bath tubs is used for the flushing of toilets in most European and Australian jurisdictions. In the United States however, this system has been adopted where the International Plumbing Code has been accepted. The Uniform Plumbing Code that is followed in some jurisdictions within the United States and prohibits the use of ‘grey-water’ indoors. Further consideration as to which fixtures, fittings and finishes to use in your newly renovated bathroom, can include natural ceramic and non-toxic cement for the hardware. Complete extensive research into the various health benefits of using vanities constructed from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified woods and painted with a low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) product. In addition to this, it is advantageous to investigate into the advisability of not using vinyl shower curtains and replacing these with either non-PVC plastic or hemp.
A homeowner’s energy usage bill can include over 10% towards the heating of hot water alone. A means of obtaining some savings on this in the future is to install a tank-less water heater, or one which is solar powered. The initial costs may be higher; however, it will result in a saving of energy and costs in the future. The water is only heated when required so there is no unnecessary and wasted heating of the water. With a standard water heater, it will maintain the heat all day, even if the hot water is not being used.
With some research and thorough planning, your renovated bathroom can be a source of pride and enhance the overall value of your home. It is always beneficial to obtain a second opinion in terms of the changes you wish to make and those you need to make from a professional. Not only will this ensure that your renovations are completely to a high standard and in a safe manner, but you may also find that by employing the service of a professional, you will make fewer mistakes, thus saving money in the long run.
About the Author: Jason Kay recommends making the most of your bathroom renovation when it comes time to sell your home by selling it yourself. Read
FSBO.com reviews
to learn what customer say about their experiences with this service.
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